Wen. WORD. 文





"F A I T H" - ink and dye on sumo- paper, 2005
" Love "-ink, pastel and colouron rice paper and silk
"Living Water-" ink and colour on rice paper, mirror, 2006
“Sui monologue”-water and color on rice paper, 2005” “水白” –水墨 2005
安靜地 請慢慢蹲下,用指頭在水面輕輕畫寫「文」、靜觀水與你的對白 Please knee down quietly, write the ‘word’ on the surface ofthe water, meditate on the dialogue between you and SUI
"family" -Ink and colour on rice pape, 2006
"cultured " ink and colour on paper,2006 "文化的” 水墨2006
Extraordinary….” -water and color on rice paper, 2006 “ 非凡的……” 水墨2006 神的靈在水面運行、「我是那自有、永有的道」 God’s Spirit hovering over the water,” I am the Way, from beginning to the end!”